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First name
Maximum 255 characters.
Last name
Maximum 255 characters.
Email address:
Maximum 255 characters.
Cell phone number:
Maximum 255 characters.
How did you learn about True North Men’s Retreats?
Maximum 255 characters.
How would you rate your level of physical fitness (1-10)
Are you able to hike 3-8 miles at a time?
Maximum 255 characters.
Are you able to run 1 continuous mile?
Maximum 255 characters.
List/describe any physical injuries or limitations:
Maximum 196605 characters.
Why do you want to attend a True North Men’s Retreat?
Maximum 196605 characters.
Please upload a current photo of yourself
List/describe any dietary restrictions or food allergies:
Maximum 196605 characters.
Provide a link to your Instagram, Facebook account and/or website
Maximum 196605 characters.
Type 'yes' if to confirm you can make these times. Otherwise, write about any complications in doing so. Wednesday July 24th: 4-6pm Check-in at our property in Sedona, AZ. Retreat ends: Sunday, July 28th at 10am. You may depart earlier on Sunday AM in your own POV if needed to catch a flight etc.
Maximum 196605 characters.
Would you be interested in a shuttle service from Phoenix to our property in Sedona or will you be driving yourself?
Maximum 196605 characters.
Do you have any Questions/Comments/Concerns to share while your application is under review? A True North Facilitator will contact you by phone to discuss if needed:
Maximum 196605 characters.
What size T-shirt do you wear?
Maximum 255 characters.