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First name
Maximum 255 characters.
Last name
Maximum 255 characters.
Email address:
Maximum 255 characters.
Cell phone number:
Maximum 255 characters.
How did you learn about True North Men’s Retreats?
Maximum 255 characters.
How would you rate your level of physical fitness (1-10)
Are you able to hike 3-8 miles at a time?
Maximum 255 characters.
Are you able to run 1 continuous mile?
Maximum 255 characters.
List/describe any physical injuries or limitations:
Maximum 196605 characters.
Why do you want to attend a True North Men’s Retreat?
Maximum 196605 characters.
Please elaborate on why you believe you deserve the scholarship and outline your expectations for what you aim to achieve through this opportunity.
Maximum 196605 characters.
Do you feel you can give any financial contribution? If so, how much?
Maximum 500 characters.
Please upload a current photo of yourself
List/describe any dietary restrictions or food allergies:
Maximum 196605 characters.
Provide a link to your Instagram, Facebook account and/or website
Maximum 196605 characters.
Type 'yes' if to confirm you can make these times. Otherwise, write about any complications in doing so. Wednesday July 24th: 4-6pm Check-in at our property in Sedona, AZ. Retreat ends: Sunday, July 28th at 10am. You may depart earlier on Sunday AM in your own POV if needed to catch a flight etc.
Maximum 196605 characters.
Would you be interested in a shuttle service from Phoenix to our property in Sedona or will you be driving yourself?
Maximum 196605 characters.
Do you have any Questions/Comments/Concerns to share while your application is under review? A True North Facilitator will contact you by phone to discuss if needed:
Maximum 196605 characters.
What size T-shirt do you wear?
Maximum 255 characters.